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Contact Us

Business Partnership

For business partnership inquiries, please send an email to

Please include the following details in your email:

  • Your name
  • Description of your company/project
  • Role in your company/project
  • Requested information
  • How we can contact you

Include an eight-letter anti-fraud code in your email for self-verification when we reach out to you.

Allow us a maximum of two weeks to get back to you before sending any follow-up emails.

We will not address product feedback/customer service requests through our business partner mailbox. Please visit the Megacy Discord server for that purpose.

Official Business Partner Contact: For any business collaboration discussions, make sure to only contact the following team members from Megacy:

  • Name:
  • Position:
  • Discord:
  • Telegram:
  • Email:

Customer Support

If you are experiencing any issues and need assistance, you can:

  • Create a ticket in our Discord channel.
  • If you don't receive a response within 24 hours, please send an email to